Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Disjonctive Synthesis of Two Nihilisms

A disjonctive synthesis in politics corresponds to all half-deaf narcissism subliming itself in relation to "evil others" on the basis of action-reaction principle. The source of evil is never clear ( Culture, snobism, a third dividing factor, desire to posess more, latent superiority/inferiority complexes) Something began somewhere and contaminated the apple, divided it into two and a self cyclical antagonism has therefore started within the same apple. Since then antagonisms such as state and terror, colonialism and nationalism or Turkish Cypriot state and Greek Cypriot state have been paradoxically and simultanously fed by and hated by each others.


Blogger Maria Siakalli said...

A very good analysis/explanation atleast as far as the situation in Cyprus is concerned!

12:55 AM  

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